You are not a vocation. You are a child of God.

Hi, I’m Sam, and for the past 7 or 8 years, if you would have asked me what I do, I would have said, “I am and probably always will be a designer.” One year ago this month, I left my job at a Chattanooga newspaper and hit the bricks on building my own design business. I got up every morning at 6 and worked until 8 or 9 or later every night. Then, COVID hit, and the contracts that I had lined up fell through. Thankfully, I can say I still had work almost every month of quarantine – just not as much as I was anticipating to have. I never regretted leaving the newspaper to start my own business, but with business waning, it gave me a season to focus on just being a wife for the first time since Noah and I got married in 2018. We had just moved to Chattanooga in January of 2019, and I had been so focused on my work, that I hadn’t really had time to get the house in order(still a work in progress but miles away from where I began).

God had been working with me for a long time – encouraging my heart and impressing on me the desire to to become/be the Proverbs 31 woman. Yes, my friends! It’s an attainable and worthy thing to strive for. He began to change my heart and desires. I still love running my design business, but my identity isn’t wrapped up in being a designer. It’s a vocation – a practical means of providing for my family – my home, my Noah(and we can’t forget my Cherry Blossom).